The Hot Dog Spot – We Were Hoping to Relish this Place

A couple of months ago we stopped by found a little place called The Hot Dog Spot in the Publix shopping center located at the corner of Monument and McCormick. Never one to pass up a quality hot dog we hopped out to grab a dog. Unfortunately the place appeared to be closed. It turned out they’re only open from 10:30am to 3:30pm. Weird hours… So after a month of trying to make it in while they were open we finally made it.
The Hot Dog Spot - Chili Dog

The Hot Dog Spot – Chili Dog

The Hot Dog Spot offers dogs boiled or grilled. They offer regular sized dogs, foot longs, 3/4ths pound dogs, 4 kinds of sausage, wings, tater tots and more. A 2 boiled hot dog combo will run you $6.09 and a 2 grilled dog combo will run you $6.69. Combos include chips, slaw, or baked beans and a drink. It seems odd to us to offer boiled hot dogs at all. Who’d choose a boiled dog over a grilled one? We decided to just try a grilled chili cheese dog. The chili was just okay. On a chili cheese dog I’d prefer a very meaty chili. This one had as much bean as meat. Not my favorite balance. I give them points for a nicely grilled bun. That was good. The dog itself though left something to be desired. When you call yourself The Hot Dog Spot you’ve got to have a great dog. Unfortunately this one was at best the quality of a dog from a run of the mill hot dog cart. It also was a hair smaller than the size you would get from the grocery store. We really expected more.
If you want to take the kids for a quick affordable hot dog, The Hot Dog Spot really is a pretty good choice. They’re friendly. They’re quick and the hot dog isn’t half bad. If you’re hoping for a dog that will blow you away like we were you won’t find it here.
The Hot Dog Spot - Interior

The Hot Dog Spot – Interior

The Hot Dog Spot on Urbanspoon

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